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Activism & Action


What is Activism?

Activism is a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.


This section will give you ways to get directly involved with various environmental movements and actions aimed at saving the Earth.


Options In Activism


Want to help directly, but still uncertain of going out?


Care2 provides access to petitions from people trying to stop harmful environmental practices by pressuring the government to act.


Additional Resources


Environmental Activism: 7 Easy Ways to Get Tour Community Involved

This article is a brief overview of some simple ways to get your community more involved in environmental activism.

Image by Jason Blackeye

What is Environmental Activism?

Still confused? This article helps explains what environmental activism is by going through the importance, different types, and examples.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

6 Things You Can Do To Prevent Climate Change

In a hurry? This article quickly goes over 6 succinct ways you can directly help the environment!

Climate Change Banners

What you can do to help prevent climate change, according to experts

A dive into some of the direct tangible ways you as an individual can combat climate change.

In a Meeting

Environmental Activism Opportunities

A breakdown of U.S. environmental groups based on what they environmentally prioritize, ranging from renewables to reducing exploitation.

Image by Jen Theodore

13 Extremely Easy Eco-Friendly Organizing Tips For Your Home

Feeling cozy at home? This article will give you some ways to help environmental efforts all from the comfort of your home!


Effective Altruism

Donations are a crucial part of Climate Activism and Policy-making.


However, some charities spend their funds better than others. Learn here how to find Charities you can trust.


Featured Organizations

Interested in...
Protecting Endangered Species

The World Wildlife Fund spend 83% of their money on program expenses, 11% on fundraising, and 6% on finance and administration. 

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Protecting Ecologically Important Land

The Nature Conservancy spending 71.2% of their expenses on programs combating climate change and protecting ecologically important land.

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Renewable Energy Policy

The 350 is an environmental organization that spends 81% on programs pressuring government internationally to use renewable energies.


Drag your mouse over any three of the boxes to reveal an organization.

Additional Resources


Infographic: A Field Guide to the U.S. Environmental Movement

An infographic sharing big environmental movements, their priorities, funding, spending, and filiation


A Guide to Environmental Non-Profits

An article sharing real Eco-friendly groups and Eco-friendly groups posing as real group for the sake of getting money.

Image by Kat Yukawa

How You Can Easily Raise Money for Environmental Charities

A guide to raising money for environmental groups if you want to donate but don't have extra cash.

Earth and Space

The 6 Best Environmental Groups to Donate to for a Better World

A breakdown of the best organizations to donate to based on program spending.


34 Environmental Organizations and Nonprofits For a Sustainable Future (List and Ways You Can Get Involved)

A breakdown of U.S. environmental groups based on what they environmentally prioritize, ranging from renewables to reducing exploitation.

Timber in Forest

Green Giving Guide: Charity That Makes a Difference to the Planet

Different ways to contribute financially if donation doesn't feel like the right fit for you.

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