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The Latest Climate Issues, Policies, and Solutions


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"California Proves That Environmental Regulations Don't Kill Profits" 


To avoid climate catastrophe, humankind must stay within a “carbon budget.” But emissions are still rising, a new report grimly concludes.

"High stakes for the planet as carbon emissions rise again"


Tuesday’s midterm elections offered voters across the US the chance to move decisively to slow down the global ecological disaster of climate change. As the votes were tallied, however, one thing became clear: Americans remain as divided as ever on climate change.

"Our Climate Is Headed for Disaster, But Voters Still Shrug"


It's the final call, say scientists, in the most extensive warning yet on the risks of rising global temperatures.

Their dramatic report on keeping that rise under 1.5 degrees C says the world is now completely off track, heading instead towards 3C.

"Final Call To Save The World From 'Climate Catastrophe'"


Banks are shielding themselves from climate change at taxpayers’ expense by shifting riskier mortgages — such as those in coastal areas — off their books and over to the federal government, new research suggests.

"Climate Risk in the Housing Market Has Echoes of Subprime Crisis, Study Finds


Two climate science writers respond to questions about the economic impacts of rising temperatures.

"What’s the Price of Ignoring Climate Change?"


The world’s dinner tables are seeing the impact of climate change.

As cold regions become warmer, and warm places hotter still, farming and fishing are shifting. An evolving climate means big changes for people who grow, catch and rear for a living, and everyone else who buys and eats what they produce.

"Climate Change Is Messing With Your Dinner"

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We’ve had one of the hottest summers on record as part of a heatwave which hit the entire northern hemisphere. But even this extreme weather is nothing compared to what warming of 1.5°C or 2°C could look like, and what damage it could have on a global scale.

"Our Warming World: How Much Difference Will Half-A-Degree Really Make?"


Drones and satellites make it easy to detect and plug methane leaks, benefitting oil and gas companies and the environment alike.

"The EPA Says Methane Rules Are Bad for Industry—It's Wrong"


Human influence on the climate system is clear and growing. If left unchecked, climate change will increase the likelihood of pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems.

"The Point of No Return: How the World is Adapting to Climate Change"


A top financial regulator is opening a public effort to highlight the risk that climate change poses to the nation’s financial markets, setting up a clash with a president who has mocked global warming and whose administration has sought to suppress climate science.

"Climate Change Poses Major Risks to Financial Markets, Regulator Warns"


Growth in farm sector output, which accounts for about 16% of India’s gross domestic product, has been cooling for the past few years as unseasonable rains and frequent droughts add to farmers’ distress. In 2019, sugar output may drop to the lowest in three years as delayed showers shriveled cane in parts of Maharashtra.

"It’s Man Vs Wild in India’s Economy, and Wild Has the Upper Hand"

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