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Effects of Economic Policy on Environmental Health

(Click on an article title to view)

Using the life-satisfaction approach to quantify the complex inter-related impacts of coal mining on host communities: A case study in Shanxi, China

Document Date: August 2019


Author(s):  Qian Li, Natalie Stoeckl, DavidKing


Keyword(s): Coal mining, Impact assessment, Life-satisfaction, Wellbeing, China

Economic growth, CO2 emissions and energy consumption: What causes what and where?

Document Date:  July 27, 2018


Author(s):  Alex O.Acheampong


Keyword(s): CO2, Economic growth, Energy, Global, Regions, System-GMM PVAR

Regional development and carbon emissions in China

Document Date:  March 8, 2019


Author(s):  Jiali Zheng, Zhifu Mi, D'Maris Coffman, Stanimira Milcheva, Yuli Shan, Dabo Guan, Shouyang Wang


Keyword(s): CO2 emissions, LMDI, Regional development, Structural changes, New normal,China

Trade liberalization and haze pollution: Evidence from China


Document Date:  October 18, 2019


Author(s):  Yingzhi Xu, Xiaomin Fan, Zhiqian Zhang, Ruijie Zhang


Keyword(s): Trade liberalization, Haze pollution, Scale effect, Composition effect, Technology effect

What drives home solar PV uptake? Subsidies, peer effects and visibility in Sweden


Document Date: October 23, 2019


Author(s): Luis Mundaca, Margaret Samahita


Keyword(s): Solar PV, Subsidy, Peer effects, Visibility, Technology adoption, Sweden

Cross-sectoral implications of the implementation of irrigation water use efficiency policies in Spain: A nexus footprint approach


Document Date:  October 14, 2019


Author(s):  Barbara A.Willaarts, Yolanda Lechónc, Beatriz Mayor, Cristinade la Rúa, Alberto Garrido


Keyword(s): Water footprint, Energy footprint, Carbon footprint, Irrigation modernization, Water scarcity, Water-food-energy nexus, Groundwater, Surface water

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